2025 AJAS Annual Program


About AJAS

The American Junior Academy of Sciences (AJAS) is the only US honor society recognizing America's premier high school students for outstanding scientific research. Each state's Academy of Science nominates high school students as AJAS delegates. The chosen delegates are then invited to attend the AJAS annual conference. The AJAS mission is to introduce, encourage, and accelerate pre-college students into the professional world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Each state's Academy of Science determines the guidelines by which their AJAS delegates are chosen. In many cases, the Academy of Science organizes a Junior Academy of Science. Under the direction of the Junior Academy, a statewide scientific research competition is held.
The winners of these competitions are nominated to represent their state at the AJAS conference. Interested students and mentors should contact their state Academy of Science for information on how to get involved.
AJAS meets annually in conjunction with the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s (AAAS) annual meeting. AAAS is the largest scientific organization in the world and the publisher of Science. AAAS serves as an authoritative source for information on the latest developments in science and bridges gaps among scientists, policy-makers and the public to advance science and science education.
During the conference, AJAS delegates have the opportunity to:
  • tour local institutions of scientific importance,
  • share their research with their peers and with other scientists,
  • participate in interactive laboratory experiences
  • attend conference sessions
  • gain exposure to cutting edge technology,
  • meet world-renowned scientists,
  • participate in field trips, plenary lectures, and small group meetings
At the end of the meeting, the students are inducted as lifetime Fellows into the American Junior Academy of Science.
AJAS is very unique because it is not a competition, rather it is a conference that celebrates student success by introducing them to the social, cultural, intellectual, and professional aspects of STEM professions. AJAS is a program of the National Association of the Academics of Science (NAAS). NAAS is the national organization for the state science academies and is an affiliate member of AAAS.

2025 NAAS-AJAS Program 
In-person events in Boston, MA.: Feb. 12 to 15, 2025
Helpful Notes
  • This is not the final AJAS program and events/times are subject to change. Do not  print this tentative schedule
  • Registration is scheduled to open in the fall of 2024 and close (firmly) on December 10th, 2024
  • All sites that AJAS will visit in Boston are accessible by Boston subway (the "T").  NAAS will provide an unlimited subway pass to all registrants.
  • To receive a NAAS Fellowship, a student delegate must present a poster detailing their original research.
  • Hotel Address: TBA
  • Hynes Convention Center address: 900 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02115
  • During AJAS schedule breaks, all AJAS Student Delegates have access to (and are encouraged to attend) AAAS Annual Meeting events and sessions. (see AAAS program)   
  • Pack severale business casual outfits.
  • Pack for winter weather. Bring comfortable, weather-resistant footwear.
  • Don't forget to bring your poster materials.
Wednesday, February 12
  • Registration                                                                                                                                     2:00-5:00pm
  • Committee Meetings for Adult Volunteers                                                                                   5:00-6:00pm
  • Opening Reception and Keynote Speakers                                                                                 6:00-9:00pm
    • Keynote Speakers: TBA  
    • Beverages and heavy hors d'oeuvers provided
    • Any additional dinner on your own
  • Late Registration Table Open                                                                                                        5:00-9:30pm
Thursday, February 13
  • Breakfast At Hotel                                                                                                                          Morning
  • Tour 1                                                                                                                                              9:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Tour 2                                                                                                                                              9:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • AAAS Sessions (see AAAS program)                                                                                            All Day
  • All AJAS Student Delegates and Observers MUST arrive at The Hynes Convention Center by 4:45pm
    • If you do not receive your name badge at AJAS registration, please arrive at Hynes Convention Center as early as possible to pick up your name badge.
    • All AJAS students must be seated in the marked-off seating at the plenary hall by 4:45pm sharp!
  • AAAS Plenary Session: President's Address                                                                           5:00pm-6:30pm
    • Speaker: TBA
    • AJAS Student Delegates will be recognized at the beginning of this session. 
  • Welcome to Boston Reception                                                                                                   7:00pm-8:00pm
    • Join the AAAS President and AAAS members at the reception  in the Convention center immediately following the plenary
    • Food and beverages served
    • Any additional dinner on your own
Friday, February 14
  • Breakfast with Scientists,                                                                                                           7:30am-10:30am
    • This breakfast is the premier event of the 2025 NAAS/AJAS Annual Conference! 
    • AJAS Student Delegates will eat breakfast with premier scientists in a relaxed social setting. Typically, groups of about six student delegates sit around a breakfast table with two professional scientists. After the introductions there is no particular agenda other than to start talking; however, the intense curiosity of the delegates—combined with the passion of the scientists to discuss their work and career paths—often results in fascinating discussions that have long-lasting impacts on everyone involved. In the middle of the event, the students will switch tables and have the opportunity to talk with other scientists. 
    • Dress Code: Business casual. Wear or bring comfortable shoes for events later in the day
  • Break and Lunch on your own                                                                                                10:30am-12:00pm
  • AAAS Sessions (see AAAS program)                                                                                       2:00pm-5:00pm
  • NAAS Board Lunch Meeting (Invite only)                                                                              11:30am-12:30pm
  • Formal Honors Banquet                                                                                                           5:30pm-10:00pm
    • Dress Code: Business Casual
Saturday, February 15
  • Breakfast At Hotel                                                                                                                    Morning
  • NAAS Research Roundtable                                                                                                   Morning
  • AAAS Sessions (see AAAS program)                                                                                       8:00am-12:30pm
  • Lunch on your own
  • AJAS Poster Session                                                                                                               12:30pm-4:00pm
    • Posters will be presented at 2 or 3 separate times, details TBA
    • Check for your assigned poster presentation session.
    • Delegates will set up their posters prior to their assigned session time and will take them down after their session is complete.
    • When not presenting, delegates are encouraged to either attend AJAS poster sessions or AAAS events.
    • All AJAS participants who presented at the early poster session will be expected to remain on site and participate until the end of the second poster session event, predicted to end at 4:00 pm.
  • The NAAS-AJAS Annual Conference ends Saturday at 4:00 pm. AJAS Participants are encouraged to continue attending AAAS functions as you desire, especially the AAAS closing plenary and reception.  (see AAAS program)   
  • AAAS Closing Plenary Reception                                                                                            5:15pm-7:00pm
    • Join AAAS colleagues for an informational panel
    • Food and beverages served can make a modest meal
    • Any additional dinner on your own

In-person Travel and Arrival information

Those traveling to the in-person event should plan to arrive in Boston, Massachusetts, by early afternoon on Feb. 12, 2025 (Wed)
Conference registration is Feb. 12, 2024 (Wed), between 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm. Conference events start shortly thereafter. A late registration table will be open until close of activities Wednesday Evening.
Plan to depart Boston, MA starting on the morning of Feb 16, 2025. A late Saturday evening departure (after 6:15 pm) is also possible, but plan to stay a minimum of 3 hotel nights in Boston. 
Be aware that the AAAS Annual Meeting is held from Thursday, February 13, 2025 through Saturday, February 15, 2025 and its many events are available for all NAAS-AJAS delegates with deluxe access (which includes all AJAS Student Delegates). https://meetings.aaas.org/

Thank You to Our Sponsor!