Membership Benefits


Benefits of NAAS Membership

  • Connect with other Academies
    NAAS facilitates communications among leaders of member Academies. Academies vary in size, structure, and programming, so If you want to connect with officers and volunteers for NAAS affiliates, we are your community. Does your academy need new fundraising strategies? Do you want to learn about software  or membership structures? Are you interested in juicing up your Annual meeting, or redesigning your website? Are you looking for templates for Governance documents? Participate in the NAAS Assembly meetings and Academy Chats to get ideas from colleagues and learn best practices.
  • Nurture young scientists
    NAAS member Academies nurture young scientists through Junior Academy programs and support student researchers who attend the American Junior Academy of Science (AJAS) annual meeting, held in conjunction with the AAAS meeting. AJAS is a program of NAAS which recognizes promising high school students doing outstanding scientific research.
  • Build Your Capacity
    NAAS provides our Affiliated Academies of Science with resources that can help you build a strong board, grow your membership, develop meaningful programs, engage in science policy in your state, and implement your Academy's commitments to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility.
  • Join NAAS Committees
    Get more involved by participating in our Advancement, Partnerships, Member Services, or AJAS Annual Meeting Planning teams.